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Ressource | Beschreibung |
Field, Kap. 10 | Eine ausführliche, sehr gute Einführung in die einfaktorielle ANOVA (und Kontraste) |
Field, Kap. 12 | Für mehrfaktorielle Designs und Varianzanaylsen |
Die in unseren Skripten benutzten Befehle require() und library() akzeptieren den Namen der Pakete, auf die sie sich beziehen, einfach so, also z.B. require(dplyr). Wenn Sie auf Ihrem eigenen Rechner Pakete zum ersten Mal installieren wollen, erwartet Sie jedoch ein Stolperstein: Der install.packages()-Befehl verlangt den Paketnamen in Anführungszeichen (also als sogenannter String), z.B. install.packages(“dplyr”).
mit dem Befehl read_delim()
direkt aus der URL
in R ein. Dieser enthält Daten von Kindern, die in einem Superheldenkostüm in einer Notaufnahme vorstellig wurden. Dabei ist sowohl die Schwere der Verletzung vermerkt (“injury”), als auch, welchen Superheld die Kostüme nachbildeten (“hero”). Die Kodierung der Helden erfolgte nach folgendem Schema:ChickFlick.dat
mit dem Befehl read_delim()
direkt aus der URL
in R ein. In diesem finden Sie die physiologischen Erregungsmessungen von Männern und Frauen, die im Labor entweder den klassischen “Chick-Flick” Bridget Jones’ Diary, oder den Thriller Memento zu sehen bekamen.Rendern, bzw. knitten Sie nun das Dokument über die Tastenkombination strg
+ shift
+ k
(Windows) oder cmd
+ shift
+ k
. Wenn das funktioniert: Top gemacht! Wenn nicht: Schauen Sie sich die Fehlermeldung an, und betrachten Sie insbesondere die Zeilen Ihrer Syntax, die in der Fehlermeldung auftauchen. Suchen Sie nach dem Fehler und probieren Sie es erneut!
Anmerkung: Diese Übungszettel basieren zum Teil auf Aufgaben aus dem Lehrbuch Dicovering Statistics Using R (Field, Miles & Field, 2012). Sie wurden für den Zweck dieser Übung modifiziert, und der verwendete R-Code wurde aktualisiert.
Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Please give your answers in a .Rmd file. You may generate one from scratch using the file menu: ‘File > new file > R Markdown …’ Delete the text below Setup Chunk (starting from line 11). Alternatively you may use this sample Rmd by donloading it.
You may find the informations useful that you can find on the start page of this course.
Don’t hesitate to google for solutions. Effective web searches to find solutions for R-problems is a very useful ability, professionals to that too … A really good starting point might be the R area of the programmers platform Stackoverflow
You can find very useful cheat sheets for various R-related topics. A good starting point is the Base R Cheat Sheet.
This is a hands on course. We cannot present you all the useful commands in detail. Instead we give you links to useful ressources, where you might find hints to help you with the exercises.
Ressource | Description |
Field, Chapter 10 | A detailed introduction to single factor ANOVA and contrasts |
Field, Chapter 12 | This chapter deals with multi factorial designs and variance analyses |
We use two commands to load packages in our scripts, require()
and library()
, both of which understand quoted names of packages, f. e. require("psych")
. To make life a bit easier, we can also use unquoted package names, f. e. require(psych)
or library(dplyr)
. But take care: We still need to use quoted package names when we want to install using install.packages()
f. e. install.packages("psych")
Set your working directory and load tidyverse as usual.
Read the data file ‘Superhero.dat’ using either read_delim()
or read_tsv()
from the URL
and store it in a data object in R. We find data of injured children that were dressed up like a superhero when they were presented in an emergency room of a hospital. ‘injury’ gives us severity of the injury and ‘hero’ specifies, which superhero was beeing copied: 1 - Spiderman
2 - Superman
3 - Hulk
4 - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Using a ANOVA we want to find out, whether there is an association between type of superhero and severiy of injuries.
A wrog approach: Use the command lm()
and take a look at the results. Why is this analysis not valid?
Use the command factor()
to factorize variable superhero
. Also define labels()
to connect type of hero and the referred code.
Generate a barplot with errorbars.
The varying errorbars might indicate inhomogeneous variances. Test this using the levene test. Try ??levene
to let R help you to learn about this command.
Use the command aov()
to get an ANOVA and store the result under the name ‘ANOVA1’. Are there significant differences between the superheroes severity of injuries?
You heared of equivalence of ANOVA and regression in the lecture. Adapt the same ANOVA to the data using the command lm()
and store the result under ‘ANOVA2’. Compare the two result objects. Can you identify corresponding results? Which analysis provides more information? Bonus: what exactly is meant by “heroHulk = -6.250”?
Do further analyses where you find out, whether the two comic universes “Marvel” and “DC” differ in severity of injuries. Do this by applying planned contrasts and use contrasts(Superhero$hero) <- <your contrast>
for this. Spiderman and Hulk are members of Marvel, Superman is in the DC universe and Ninja Turtles are not analysed here.
using either read_delim()
or read_tsv()
from the URL
and store it in a data object in R. You find data of physiological activation of men and women, that saw the classical “Chick-Flick” movie “Bridget Jones’ Diary” or the Thriller “Memento”.Render (or knit) your Rmd file using the shortkey strg
+ shift
+ k
(Windows) or cmd
+ shift
+ k
(Mac). If it works, well done! If not, check your error messages, inspect the lines of your code, where the error is supposed to occur. Correct the error and over again.
Annotation: This exercise sheet bases in part on exercises, that you can find in the textbook Dicovering Statistics Using R (Field, Miles & Field, 2012). They were modified for the purpose of this sheet and the R-code was actualized.
Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering Statistics Using R. London: SAGE Publications Ltd.
Version: 20 Mai, 2021 08:25